Thursday, December 1, 2011

About My Topic !

My Topic is about the importance of bullying, I'm going to try to teach people to not be afraid of it and have the courage to stand up against it.

The Issue interests me because this is a very big deal in the united states that is affecting many people-mostly teenagers. It's not right for other people to be doing this and I want to prevent it. When I heard about it , I was shocked , How could people have the guts to do this to others.

I want people to learn NOT to be afraid of bullying and speak up against it. Most teenagers are scared to tell anybody because they have been threatened by the bully not to tell anybody or they are going to hurt them more, so that's why I want to tell those kids out there who are a victim of this ; not to be scared . I'm going to teach them to have courage and confidence in themselves and stand up against bullying.

This Issue needs to be adressed because it's a very big problem here in the United States. Some victims are not being payed attention, and they need that help. It needs to be adressed as soon as possible ,because as we speak there can be any kid out there being bullied right now.

PSA Bullying

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Update The Blog : Imagining Your Game !

Who are you designing your game for ?

I am basically designing my game for everybody as long as they can play it, they can be little and have their parents teach them and guide them through the game. I just want everybody to play the game and get something valuable out of it.

What will your game teach the player about your topic ?

It will show the players not to be afraid of bullies and if they do encounter a bully ; like in my game, it will show them how to confront them and not be afraid of them

Where does your game happen ?

I think my game will happen at school, because many bullying occasions happen at school. Many occasions do happen at school and I want the players to see that when the bullying does occur at school , they don't have to be afraid to speak up

How does your game world teach the player about your topic ?

The game will be happening at school, so there will be some teachers at school ; so the players will learn  not to be afraid to speak up and tell a teacher

Why is a game a way better of understanding your topic than a quiz ?
I think that many people don't like quizzes, I mean some do, but the majority don't like taking quizzes. Anyways a game is more complex, it has illustrations and I know that people like that. A game can teach you something valuable but at the same time it shows you how to have fun with the lesson it's trying to teach you. Even if you take a quiz or play a game , the most important thing is that you learn the valuable lesson that is trying to teach you

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to Properly Cite a Website !

This is how to properly cite a website that you found on the web.

Swierzewski . S, Teen Pregnancy, Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy, Retrieved Nov 8, 2011 from

Epidemic Obesity, Retrieved Nov 8, 2011 from

School Bullying and Teen Bullying Statistics , Retrieved Nov 8, 2011 from

Friday, November 4, 2011

[{ Daaancee } > ! :)

Yeaaa . ! Whyy Amm I Sayiin Yeaaa . Oh yeaaa - Haaa ! I'm Noot Makiin Senseee. Anywaays Todaaay Is Thee Daaancee :{ Yeaaa Budddy ! I'm So Freaakiin Exciteed Foee It > '

                  Alsooo . It's Verrryy C O O  L D >!  .. '= Riight Noww Mr.DeLeoon -Thee Moost Awesomeest Teacheer Evaaa { Waas Doiin An Impersonatioon Of Mr.Gaarza 'It Iss Hilariouuus :P '

Welll. IDK ? Whaat 2 Writee Aboout ?? :)(* Im Jammin 2 Myy Jaaamz ! Haaa , Summm To Writee Abouut ! 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March of the Penguins ' !

1. The penguins have to overcome the big strong cold winds that go through them while they all huddle together, getting food, watching out for predators and taking care of their babies without being harmed.

2. The penguins habitat affects them because the snow and the ice that they live in might melt and they need that to survive. Also where they live, might be another animal's habitat and that animal could be dangerous or not.

3.The penguin's fur is very thick and warm so that protects them from the cold, they have long and strong claws that they can use when they are being attacked or wanting to. They are also made of blubber so that can be a strong weapon they have against any predators.

4. The reason there would be NO sunlight in antartica for a period of time might be because it's winter time and during winter there might be no sun in that specific area of antarctica. With no sunlight it might affect the penguins by freezing them to death, because they not only live in the freezing cold ; they also need some sun.

5.The climate change can affect the penguins on their mating ritual by the wrong tempature being in the penguins habitat. It can affect or make something go wrong in the mating ritual. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Playing to Learn, Game Review

What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review ?

I learned many valuable stuff to help me in my creation of my game, like for example I learned the different genres I can use for my game, the social issues I can teach with any genre, and the way I can send messages through my game to get to other people.

Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because  they could be improved ?

I really liked the way that Sally's Energy Ride game was played out, the game consisted of facts being taught to the player as it played the game. I thought that, that was a great Idea of the game creator to do that because it teaches the players about the social issue and they can have fun at the same time playing the game.

I wonder if a game can have more than one genre and have different social issues being taught at the same time . >?????? 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Sports & Racing !

A sports and racing game basically consists of the player trying to get to a destination before the other players get there. Like for example a NASCAR racing game would be a game that would represent a racing game. Also it involves sports, it would be like playing Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, Football, or any other sport that involves playing against another player\s.

The game that taught me a new skill or subject : The game that taught me a subject was called Gravitee, it showed me the masses of the planets and how far they are away from each other.

The game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue : The game that taught me about a new existing social issue was called The Final Countdown. It was about the player racing over the whole united states but along each state I raced through there was a fact about that state being affected by the oil spill. The Oil Spill was a very big deal and it was a great issue to talk about

The game or games I liked the best : I really liked the game called Bullseye because it had to do with a a sport which was archery. I've never actually played archering in real life but this game sort of taught me.

What happens in the game or games : The player has to shoot the shooter alleys to the the target that needs to be hit.

How do you play the game or games : In the game the player has the  arrow and is ready to shoot. The goal for the player is to try to shoot the target which is the one in the middle in the whole circle of targets. It takes sort of a mouse skill, -I would say !  because you have to use the mouth to shoot so if your good using mouses then you have a very high chance of winning.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Strategy !

A strategy game consists of critical thinking and focus. When you play a strategy game you have to focus on what the topic is in order to accomplish the goal. There is a skill that you have to take on, that's why you have to focus very carefully in order to accomplish it.

The game that taught me a new skill or subject : 

Climate challenge was a very good game. It sort of taught me about bussiness and how to manage the economy. I didn't know anything about it but I learned along the way and it made sense.

The game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue : Ayiti The cost of life was a very teachable game. It was about how to manage work and income. It showed a family working hard to get their money and it taught you how 

The game or games I liked the best : The game I liked the best was called Touch the Bubbles 3 because it involved having skill and focus, it was very hard but that's why I had to focus and concentrate

What happens in the game or games : The player goes around a maze trying to capture bubbles without touching the red lines

How you play the game or games : You had to go around a maze gathering bubbles without touching the red lines, if you touched the red lines you lose a live

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Puzzles\Mazes !

A puzzle\mazes game is a game that consists of solving a specific task. It may have pieces that you have to put together or fix. In that maze you have to get through it to go to the next level. A puzzle or maze game may test your ability to be able to do something, you may have to use your skills to solve that puzzle or maze.

The game that taught me a new skill or subject :

Planet Mass Comparison was a really good game. It taught me about planets which are related to science, it showed how to compare their mass with each of the planets.

The game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue: 
I really liked how the game Chemistry 101 taught me about elements and how each one works. It was an educational game and I thought it was very creative, the kids in West Virginia were very toughtful about their work they made such an effort working on it.

The game or games I liked the best : The games I liked the best were Soap Bubble and Elemental Elegance 

What happens in the game or games : In the game Soap bubble, the player was a little bubble moving trough like a tunnel to get to its end point, in Elemental Elegance it was about the player learning how to mix chemicals.

How you play the game or games : In Soap Bubble the player was a little bubble going through a maze to get to its final destination, it was really fun and it made a very weird sound but it was funny . ! The game Elemental Elegance was very educational, it was about the player learning chemicals and learn how to mix them together. I really liked it because it taught me new chemicals that I didn't know about before.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre: Adventuree !

Adventure games are games that consist of taking on an adventure, that's what I think. I mean it sounds obvious because it's adventure and you can say they are adventures. Anyways, I think Adventure Games try to give you a challenge or a skill to take on. The point of the game would be for the player to conquer that skill or take on any challenge.

The Game or Games that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject : The game that taught me an educational skill was Synchronized Savers. I thought that it was such an incredible game and it really taught me many ways to recycle and help out my environment.

The game or games that taught me about a new or existing social issue : The game that taught me a new existing social issue was Sally's Energy ride, it showed me many new ways how to conserve energy and help out the environment.

The game or games I liked best : I really liked the game called synchronize savers because it was really fun and interesting. It taught me a learning skill but at the same time I had fun playing the game.

What happens in the Game or Games : What happens in the game is that there is this little robot car that saves energy and goes around by the player collecting trash. Everything that happens teaches you many new things

How you play the game or games : In the game you have to collect trash around the place and put it in this energy saver robot. Also after each level it informs you with a fact about saving energy. It also teaches you ways how to conserve energy by doing an activity.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Playing to Learn, Genre:Action

Actions games are games that consist of player\players moving or interacting with other objects. The players move jump or even fight with each other and that's how the game is played. Also action games are very fast, they may involve chasing or racing. I think that most action games don't really teach you anything it's just a game to have fun and enjoy it.

Game that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject ?

The game that taught me an educational skill was World Cup Math. It involved math problems that the player needed to solve and you had to shoot the ball to the right answer. Even tough it was an action game to have fun it still had a skill that can teach you math.

Game that taught me about a new or existing social issue ?

I played this game called Little Whale Lost. Little Whale Lost was about this little whale that needs to be guided where to go by the player. It's about helping the whale and taking care of it so it won't be in harm. It's a really good game, it teaches about taking care of animals  and keeping them away from danger.

Game I liked best: The game I liked the best was called Super Chick Sisters

What happens in the game : What happens in the game is the little chick is moved with the key arrows to get to it's final destination

How you play the game : In the game the players are these 2 little chicks. You can choose one of them at the start of the game. The point of the game is to try to get the little chick to it's destination.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Gamers Solve Scientific Problems

How did gamers use the computer game Foldit to solve the protein folding mystery ?

They did these models that represented the AIDS in the computer and it showed how you could fix them ad if they were a puzzle. It would be like curing the AID in real life.

Who can participate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit ?
Anybody can pretty much participate in it, even if you don't really know about the topic or any skill that has to do with it you can still play it. The player who is playing can solve the puzzle without even knowing what to do and in real life they could cure that AID.

What can critical thinking do for science ?

It can help it out by thinking many Ideas about the topic and how to solve it. All the Ideas that there is to think, one of those will help us. We just really need to focus on the topic and really think about it

If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world what ,would it be ?

I think I'd problaby like to solve Cancer. Cancer is a really big deal right now,and it's a very powerful disease that can kill people and has killed some. There are many people out there that are fighting it and survivors. I think this is a really big problem to solve, If I ever had the chance to solve this big cause I would so definetely take the opportunity to do it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Was it hard to make your mini-game ?

At first I didn't really get it because it had been a while since I used Flash, but then I started to memorize what to do and started to get the hang of it. Also Ms.Arcos helped me to get the steps working and everything. When I had finished with my Mini-Game I realized this was so freaking easy to do.

What was the best part of this topic ?

I think that the best part of this topic was that I got to learn a little bit more about flash. I got to explore new ways on flash and the Mini-Game made me remember all the things that I learned last year. It was really fun and enjoyable to learn all new things.

The Worst Part ?

The worst part of  making the Mini-Game would be getting the codes and putting them on flash. It was really confusing and hard, sometimes I would put the codes and nothing would happen. That got me really frustrated. At the end I sort of understood the codes, maybe I made a few mistakes with the codes and that's why it wasn't working.

Friday, September 9, 2011


1.How old were you on September 11 2001 ?

I think I was like 2 and a half years old, I was about to turn 3 the next month

2.When did you first learn about the attacks and who explained it to you ?

When I first learned about the attacks I was in my 4th grade classroom. There was this big talk about something, everybody kept talking about it and I was like what are they talking about. Finally my teacher told everyone to listen and told us the story about the 9\11 incident.

3.What kind of impacts did these attacks have on your life or your parents life ?

I was very little when this happen and I was in mexico, so I didn't really have an impact on it. My grandma was really scared because my mom was over here in the U.S. and she didn't feel sure that my mom would be okay. Even tough the attack was in New York my grandma was still worried because what if they had attacked Austin,Texas. Now that I grew I really felt bad for the people who had lost their lives, I mean I imagine what about if that happened to us now that were older and we can understand things

Game Questions

1.What was the Issue with this game ?

The Issue with this game was that they were making a real life event into a game. This game was very disrespectful and many people did not like it. It was just mindless to do something like that, in memory of the ones who lost their lives it's just sick to do something like that.

2. How do you feel about it ?

I feel that this was a very disrespectful and rude game. Why would somebody make a real life event into a game and let people play it. It disrespects a lot of families of the victims. The makers tried to make it in honor of the people who lost their lives, well they are soo wrong that's just disrespect.

3. What is the problem with portraying on such an awful violent event through a video game.

The problem is that it looks like they are making fun of the incident and it was not funny. The game shows that the player is shooting the planes that are trying to run into the twin towers. It's showing that we are killing the ones on the plane and that doesn't make us any better.

4. How can you make sure that your web games tell the whole story or teach a lesson in an honorable way?

I will make sure by getting the right Ideas and right messages that I would like to tell the people that will play my game.                           

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

                                "Danger Of a Single Story"

What does it mean to have a "single story" about a place or community ?

To have a single story about a place or community is like describing something or somebody without knowing all the information about them. It's like somebody hears a story about a certain place and it's a negative thing, you go ahead and follow it and think in your mind that that's the way that person or place is. The reality is that it's not true, when somebody does that they are judging without even knowing the truth.

Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story ? How could people learn more about that community ?

I have heard people talk about my community, they say that we are just some lazy mexicans that come to the U.S. just to get free-medicaid and Health service etc.. I say that is NOT true. We may be from mexico but that doesn't matter we came here to succeed and have a better life. I think that others shouldn't by the way we look,speak,live. They should come check out our community and see what we really are. We need to show them not to judge us by what they've heard or think about us.

Describe a single story about another community. How did you learn that story ? How could you learn more about that community ?

When I was a little bit younger I use to think that African-American people or Black People were mean,lazy, didn't get  jobs, and did drugs. As I grew up I started to realize that what I tought about african-american\black people wasn't true. Then I lived in a community with african-american\black people and really saw how they were. I kind of felt ashmed and guilty of judging somebody without knowing them or seeing them.

How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community ?

The game would show facts about a place or community. It will tell them many things not just a single one. If it was just one story then it wouldn't be fair because you only get to hear one where you don't know if it's true or false. I think it's better to let the player know many different facts and stories.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cyberbully . !

What is tayor's attitude towards "Clicksters" ?

Taylor has heard about clicksters before, but she really doesn't pay attention to it. She kind of shows that she really doesn't like it.

What type of relationship does she have with her family ?

Taylor doesn't really get along with her mother, they don't communicate that much. Her and her father never speak face to face, only on the phone because he is always on bussiness trips. Her brother mostly annoys her all the time.

When does the cyberbully began ?

The cyberbully begans when Lindsay (the girl who started the cyberbullying) posts a mean comment on taylor's picture.

What type of friendship does she have ?

Taylor has two best friends who hang out with her. She's not really popular, she likes to hang down low.

What is the result of the cyberbullying that taylor experiences ?

Taylor tries to sucide herself, but then her family comes and helps her.

What type of cyberbullying does taylor experience ?

Online harrassment,people are making mean videos of her, mean comments and acusses that are not true.

What would you do if you were in taylor's shoes ?

From my persepctive, I would ignore all the mean comments and harrassments that people are saying. I wouldn't let them take me down like that. Also I would let my teachers and parents know what's the situation.

How does taylor react to the mean comments people keep posting about her ?

Taylor feels like a freak and a physco, she was letting them get to her. She felt bad and couldn't take it anymore until she tried to suicide herself.

Does she ever try to stop people from posting Insults? What could she have done differently?

Taylor does try to stop it by posting up on her page that everything that everybody is saying it's not true but, I think that she should of shut down her page like her mom told her but she didn't listen.

How do you think Taylor felt about her friends betraying her ?

Taylor felt really bad and dissapointed because she trusted them and had confidence in them but they betrayed her.

What kind of changes do you see taylor experience throughout the film ?

At the beginning when taylor started recieving nasty mean messages she let them get to her. As she went on recieving more she couldn't take it anymore so she decided to stop it and ignore it. In the end she seeked help and succeeded.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1 Cyberbullying 2011

This is my first blog post of the year 2011-2012 school year.

What is a Cyberbully?

A cyberbully is someone who abuses another online or with any communicating device to make them feel bad about themselves.

What are the different types of cyberbullying?

The different types of cyberbully are ; gossip,threatening,impersonating, etc.

What should you do if you are being cyberbullied?

I would get a parent or a teacher to take care of it and help me out. Also, I would avoid any nasty comments that I recieve and I wouldn't let anybody make me feel bad.

What are some reasons that people cyberbully others?

I think that they do it to make themselves feel good, have power over others, they have being bullied before and they might be jealous of something or somebody

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Today we finished watching the movie The Lightning Thief...we started out reading the book, but we never quite finished it..! Anyways the movie was very different from the book...First it started out with Percy Jackson at the museum with his class. Then Ms.Dodds(one of the mean teachers) pulled percy away from the group and took him to a room where she dissapeared for a second and turned into an ugly monster--BTW.I had no idea what it was) Then it was claiming to percy--"Give me the Lightning Bolt..I Know you have it" Percy had no freaking idea what she was talking about. Then Mr.Brunner came in with grover and told grover that it was time for percy to go the camp. Percy once again had no idea what they were talking about. Percy left with grover and his mom to a camp on the way a big ugly monster came on the road and tipped the car over(BTW it was awesome..JK!) Anyways percy got out of the car and found out that his friend was like half horse or something and he found out that he was in a training camp like with swords or something. Then later Haitis came and gave percy a warning that it he didn't give him the lightning bolt he wouldn't give him his mother back. That's when percy decided to go on a journey with grover and annabeth(the cute girl percy liked..<3!) to save his mother. Percy finished his journey and got to the underworld where out of nowhere he had the lightning bolt under his shield and Haitis discovered him. Percy didn't steal it he was set up. The lady that was there punched haitis and saved percy and his friends and mom. Percy went back to the olympus and found luke who had set up the whole thing and beat him up. At the end Percy gave the lightning bolt to Zeus and His dad at the right time and percy finished his mission.!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Heyy...We are having The 2nd Annual Globey Awards. I am coming because my team in one of the finalists for best social issue game and other nominations. I am not so excited, because we have to wear like fancy clothes and be all you know pretty..but like the thing is I don't like wearing fancy clothes. I know that I have to and I'll try my best to wear something at least pretty. There's one thing I am excited for..:)) the winner gets a laptop and I think the individual nominees get a Flip camera...that is like so awesomeee..! I can't wait to find out who wins...and I'll try to wear something nice..maybe I'll wear a dress..Should I.?? Idk.? I'll think about it? Leave a comment If you think I should..--Please anyways leave a comment.!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apollo 13...!!!!:)--!

We watched the movie Apollo 13, I tought it was going to be a boring movie but It turned out to be one of the best movies I've ever watched..(I mean it). This movie was about 3 men Jim Lovell, Ken Mattingly, and Fred Haise who got chosen to go the moon. First they had to be trained for 6 months to be able to be ready. They were really excited and looked very prepared to go. That's when Ken got the measles and had to be removed from the crew. Ken wasn't so thrilled when he first got told that he couldn't go. After that they had his backup John.L.Swigert. He quickly catched up and was ready to go. Finally the BIG day came April,11,1970 was the day ready to launch off. They all got suited in with those giant suits and buckled in, then it was the moment the whole world was watching....BOOM!--they launched off.  As they were up in space everything was going smooth until something exploded in the command module. They needed to move to the lem because they were running out of oxygen and power. Unfortunately they didn't make it to the moon and had to come back. NASA was counting 3:00 minutes for them to come back but they didn't make it on that time, as everyone was watching they were getting worried that they wouldn't make it. Guess what..?--they died!:(. Just kidding...that's what I tought when I was watching the movie. They made it back safely and even tough they didn't make it to the moon---they said it was A Successful Failure. I agreed with that they had the courage and braveness to go up there and they completed their mission. Unlike me I would be freaking scared to go up into space....!!!

File:Apollo 13 Prime Crew.jpgHere's a picture of the Apollo 13 crew..!!

File:Apollo 13 liftoff-KSC-70PC-160HR.jpgHere is when they lauched off from the            Kennedy Space Center

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I don't know what field trip to write about...??...Let's see...I've had many but they were all educational field trips. Like going to the museum and some other stuff that I don't remember..!! In this school we took some but the one that I liked the most would have to be Austin Park and Pizza! It was like so Awesomee..! I got on the tea cups and they were so Dizzzzzzzzzyyy..! I love those rides...and I also got on the Go-Karts and I mean the big Go-Karts! I finally got to go on was like my first time and I beat everyone that was racing. I sure definetely ate a lot of pizzaaa....wich I love..! It was such an awesome field trip altough I had a lot of coupons wich I forgot to trade them in for a prize...I forgot where I left them..?? Well I don't care it was like 3 months ago when I went. Anyways I had a really good time and that's all that mattteers.!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Knoww Waat To Writee Abouut..???---And I Thiink I Lovee To Gossiip.??:))

Heyyy.! I have no Idea what to write about..?? Let's see..I'm sitting down writing about I don't know what to write about. It may sound confusing but I understand it. Lunch was pretty cool, they had Chickeen Nuggetss!! wich I lovee.! I ate victor's chicken may have been bitten but I still ate it..It was amaziing. In lunch I always gossip, I don't know why but I just love gossiping and pretty much everyone knows me by that. I somehow end up gossiping in every single I weird..? I don't think so...I'm awesome like that.! Now I don't have anything else to talk about..! What could I talk about.? Gueess What...? I got to go!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Yayy! Our game is finally finished. Thank god because we had a rough path  to putting it together. I think it was a great experience working with my team. We all worked hard,we chipped in on this and that and we made it work. We had some hard times making it work but we all got through it. I didn't know we were one of the 4 finalists and I am so proud of that. I can't believe we were actually nominated, my team and I are schocked. We tought we were just nominated, but finalists I can't believe it. We worked so hard and I think we did deserved this. I hope we win and wish me luck everyone.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Biin Ladeen..!

Yesterday I was at home doing what I normally do, wich is watch TV when I saw these breaking news on many channels. I didn't really pay attention to it, but since it was like on every single channel I decided to check it out. When I turned to one of the channels I saw that it said on the bottom of the screen "Osama Bin Laden has been killed and U.S. Officials have his body". I really had no idea who they were talking about so I asked my mom. She told me that it was the guy who organized the whole terorrist attack on the World Trade Center. I was freaking shocked, the guy that killed all those people is now dead. I was a little bit excited because he made all the victim's family suffer each and every single day and know  we got payback. Finally we don't have to be afraid of being killed or attacked. I was very HAPPY!! and I still am!!. Now he may rest in peace in his dreadful cold coffin.! or I think they should cut him up into little pieces and burn him..!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Staand and Deliiver...>>!

Stand and Deliver was about a class of students in Garfield High School In L.A who weren't being taught anything and were not inspired to learn anything. That's when Jaime Escalante came, a teacher who was supposed to be teaching computer was put to teach them math. The group of kids involved kids who didn't care like Guadalupe,Pancho and Claudia, some kids were involved in gangs like Angel but Jaime decided to change that and help them out to learn. Jaime entertained them with his jokes but at the same time taught them. These group of kids then started to realize that they could really get an education and they started to chip in and bring all their best to their learning. Jaime then decided to start teaching them Calculus to get ready to take an AP test for college credit. They studied day and night for many months, they really were inspired and believed in that they could do it. The day came and they took the test and they knew they did a great job. That's when things took a wrong turn the directors of the test came and told Jaime that all the students had the same answers wrong and accused them of cheating. They were really dissapointed and said that they were being racist just because they had a poor school and came from very bad backrounds. Jaime did not approve to this and went to tell the directors that his kids did not cheat and that he was going to prove them wrong. The kids took the test again and had outstanding results. Jaime was very proud of them because he motivated them and taught them what they needed to know. This movie was based on a true story of Garfield High School in L.A. I really liked this movie because it was very inspiring and he gave those kids courage to have the potential to learn. Here's a video of Edward James Olmos talking about why he loves teaching

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I really don't know how I feel about the TAKS test....Let's see..I feel excited and nervous at the same time. Like I imagine that I am taking the TAKS and I get stuck on a question and that makes me nervous bu then I feel that I have confidence and I can beat the taks. I know that I am very smart and I know that I will pass the TAKS and beat the crap out of it. Well I know I am ready and I just can't wait till I take it and see my results. After Taks it's going to be a big relief of my shoulder because I am finally over it and I can have some fun with my friends and goof off..! Well...Goood--Luck..! to Everyonee..!--Hopee u pass..! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

iPaads Foor Kiids..!!

I think that having iPads for kids is a great idea because it helps kids to learn more about technology and how creative it can be. It may sound weird that a bunch of 2nd graders are using these iPads, but they learn many new lessons and a brand new experience using this type of technology in the classroom. Even tough it's a great idea having this iPads for kids there can also be a little bit of disadvantages. Like for example the kids can get addicted to using these type of technology and the only thing they would want to do is play around and not learn anything. They would get use to doing touch-screen and not want to use pencil, it may sound weird that im saying this but who knows it could happen. At the end using this kind of technology is really creative and it helps a lot of kids to learn and understand better. I wish our school had an opportunity to use this type of technology, it would give us the chance to learn in many new ways.

Friday, April 15, 2011


I have made some progress in our game,I'm still a little bit confused but I'll get it. Me and my team are almost done with the whole game we just need one more screen game and then we can set it up as the demo. Juan(My partner) is working on the game demo and has done a lot of good progress. He learned how to do the timeline,keyframes, and how to paste from one file to another. I really have a hard time doing the game demo because I don't understand the  whole thing about keyframes and all that stuff. I think that once I will get it right and be proud. I also got to learn timeline effects and how they work, It's been pretty cool and fun doing it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

  • Intro screen: Eat,Turtle,Eat!

  • Team Introduction: Estefanie,Juan and Iliana. Iliana and me mostly do the game screens and Juan figures out how to do buttons and other animations

  • Audience: I think that this game is required for 6th graders like us because we are learning about how to help our environment and this game could really give them some more help in teaching them what they ccan do in their environment.

  • Gameplay: When the player sees the screen he/she will see a turtle on the edge of the corner,jellyfish and plastic bags will be falling down and the goal for the player is to try to catch the jellyfish and try to ignore the plastic bags. If the player gets hit by a plastic bag it loses a live,the player only has 3 chances to survive.

  • Learning Goal: The player will learn to see what's going on in the environment and see how much is affecting people, they will see that they can make a difference in their environment.

  • Fun Factor: I think what makes it fun is the creativity of the turtle and the many animations on the backround

  • Smart Factor: I think they will learn about how water pollution is affecting sea creatures and waht they can do to help out.

  • Style Factor: I think that the turtle will be moving and that will be animated and also the backround and levels that follow it.

  • Originality Factor: I think what makes our game special and unique is the lesson that is teaching and students can see what the sea creatures are suffering through and that gives them an idea that they can do to help out. It is very creative and people can see how hard we worked on it.

  • Monday, April 11, 2011

    Priimatee Pilee Uppp...!

    Primate Pile Up is a game about stacking different types of animals together and putting it in a certain way that it will stay still. If it doesnt stay still you loose and you have to start the level all over again. What I really like about this game is the skill that it requires for the player to do. I really tought that using animals was a really creative idea because it engages kids to play and it looks fun. I think that it will take time to figure it out how to do it because it looks pretty hard and it has a lot of animations to do with it. We will have to do the animations tutorial because it involves alot of movement and we will have to make the animals fall down and I think that's not that hard but it will take time and figure it out. This game was really fun and challenging at the same time but i think that this will be a great idea for an option in our game.

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Thee Bliind Siidee..!!!!

    The Blind Side movie was about a boy named Michael Ore who was living with a guy for a while but then he got kicked out. One night Michael was at a volleyball game and was only there to pick up the leftover food from the crowd. As michael left walking down the road a car stopped and wanted to see what was going on with him. That's when Leigh Ann Tuohy got out of the car and asked michael if he had a play to stay. Michael responded "Nooo....". That's when Leigh Ann Tuohy decided to give michael a place to stay that night. The next day Michael left and Leigh Ann stopped him and told him to stay for Thanksgiving dinner. Leigh Ann noticed that this kid needed motivation and she decided to take care of him get him to school and play football. Michael later on needed to improve his grades to play football. Michael was playing football and had his first game. In that first game he did something that nobody had ever seen before. Michael's little brother S.J caught it on tape and showed it to every university coach. Every coach went crazy and wanted michael on their team. Michael was interviewed with many coaches and had to do a tough choice. Michael chose to play for Ole Miss, but then a detective was asking him why he chose Ole Miss. This detective wanted to put many tough ideas through his head. Michael found out that Leigh Ann only wanted to use him to give money to Ole Miss. Michael was dissapointed and went away to his old home. Leigh Ann went to look for him and found him and told him "I want you do whatever you feel like doing". Michael later on went to Ole Miss and played football. At the end Michael was drafted in the 2009 NFL Draft. He was a brave and encouraged boy who suceeded thank to his adoptive family who changed his life.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Whatever It Takes.....!

    Whatever It Takes is a movie about a school in the bronx called The Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics. Edward Tom was the principal of the school and it was his first year as a principal. When edward was in college he dreamed of being a millionare and having a mansion and many cars. That dream went a wrong direction and he became a teacher. Sharifea was one of the students who attended this school, she was very well educated and was really intelligent. She was chosen to apply for the Dartmouth College Summer Program, she was interviewed by a represantor of the college to see if she qualified. Later on Sharifea recieved news that she was accepted. Sharifea was starting to fail her classes and that was a big deal. If sharifeakept doing that Edward Tom was not sure if she could still go to Dartmouth. Sharifea did not qualify to take the Regents Assesment and she needed this in order to graduate high school. In the end Sharifea completed her 1st year in Dartmouth and was eligible to take her Regents Test in order to get her diploma. Edward Tom later hoped to open up 3 small school in the bronx.

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    B-Cubed is a game about skill and strategy. What you have to do is that you have a maze of squares that you need to complete to get to the red square. The problem is that when you move the previous square that you were in falls down and you have to keep going. If you mess up you have to start all over. It's a really tough game it gets harder as the levels go higher. If you think that you can beat it then go ahead and try it. Trust me it's hard but you'll get through it.

    The Wizard.......☺☺!!!!

    The Wizard was about a young boy named Jimmy who never talked or smiled. He always ran away from home and people tought he was crazy. At the begginning of the story Jimmy needed to be in a home where he could have comfort in. Jimmy's stepbrother (Cory) admired Jimmy and had a lot of love for him. When cory found out that jimmy needed to be in a home he was really dissapointed. Cory decided to escape with Jimmy and go to California where Jimmy always wanted to go. Along their trip they met this girl called Hailey, since they needed money Cory bet Hailey that if Jimmy could beat her in the arcade game she owed him money. Jimmy won, but there was something else that was noticed Jimmmy was a wizard at the arcade game. Hailey decided to come along with Jimmy and Cory to compete in the Los Angeles video game so Jimmy could feel proud of himself. As they continued their trip the detective that was hired to look for Jimmy was close to capturing him. Throughout the trip they gambled many people to beating them in the arcade game. The detective captured Jimmy once but he escaped. They finally got to the Video Arcade challenge and Jimmy was ready to play. Jimmy started his game and was on board to win. He entered the finals and was close to winning. At the end the detective cam to the challenge and was chasing Jimmy all around the place. Finally Jimmy made it back to the building where the games were at and was ready to win. Jimmy won and was very proud of himself. His family came and supported him. At the end when Jimmy went home he passed this building shaped like a dinosaur and kept repeating ''California". That's when it all came together Jimmy always repeated california because that's where his family went when they were still a happy family. He showed the picture to cory and his whole family was on it including his little twin sister who passed away. At the end Jimmy went home with a happy feeling.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Bridge to Therabithia......!!!

    The book I read was called Bridge to Therabithia by Katherine Paterson. This book was about a young boy named Jesse Aarons who always dreamed of being the fastest runner in his school. When Jesse was about to start the race, out of nowhere a girl comes and decides to compete in the race. Unfortunely Jesse lost and was really upset. Later on Jesse finds out that the girl that beat him is in his class and her name is Leslie Burke. Leslie introduces herself to Jesse but he ignores her. Jesse decides to give Leslie a chance and become friends. When Jesse came home he saw that Leslie also got off at his bus stop and realizes that she lives next to him. They both decide to run as far as they can and see where they go. To their surprise they end up in this creek with a rope between it. Both climbed the rope and swung on to the other side. In that other side they find this forest where they decide to call it Therabithia and be rulers of it. Throughout the story they have many adventures and finally get to be themselves and have fun. One rainy day Jesse decides to go to this museum with his teacher. Jesse had so much fun at the museum but when he gets back home he realizes something is not okay. He comes home and sees their family is depressed over something. His mom tells him "Leslie's death". Jesse couldn't believe that she was gone. He found out that Leslie had died because she slipped off the       rope. Jesse realizes that Leslie was an awesome friend that he had, she had given him courage to do what hwe wanted to do. Later on Jesse continues to rule his and leslie's kingdom with his little sister Maybelle in honor of Leslie. Even tough she was gone Jesse still felt her prescence. I think that this was a really inspiring book to do whatever you want to do and have the courage to do it. You can find this book at Ms.Estrada's library. Here's a short clip of the movie.

    Friday, March 11, 2011


    What am I doing for spring break.....????? Hmmmm.... Well guess what I am going to go to Rodeo Austin..! You don't know what that is.... it's the carnival..! I am problaby going to go today with my uncle, and maybe some of my friends will be there. I am so freaking excited I had been waiting for this day from last year. I can't wait till later on....! If your going just give me a call and will meet there...! OMG...! I still can't believe it..!

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Why Can't We Go Outside.....??

    I think that we should go outside because we deserve to have some fun after all the work we did. It's not FAAAIR..! that other classes can go outside but we CAN'T...! I'm really really REALLLY! MAD that we can't go.....! I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY THINK THAT WE SHOULD GO OUTSIDEEEEEEEE...............! WE DESERVE IT...!

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011


    I imagine my future going away to college and pursuing my dreams. What I would like to become is a proffesional Pastry Chef. I really would like to take an opportunity at this because I think that it is an awesome career and I will get to do what I love wich is baking. Another reason that I would want to do this is because my family has originated this love for baking. My mom and my grandma had been baking cakes since they were little and they gave me the inspiration to do it. I really hope to accomplish this dream and have an amazing life.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Paper Prototype Reflection...!

    I think that the paper protype helped us plan our game by all of us coming up with great ideas and putting them together. While we were doing the paper prototype we sort of got the idea of what was it going to be like and how. It really helps us to get the hang of how was it going to turn out and what we needed help on. It also helped us by already coming up with the designs and techniques that we needed to do, instead of thinking about what we were going to do at the time we were starting the game. Paper prototyping is one of the many great ideas we can try to plan our game, it was also really helpful and i enjoyed doing it with my team.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    YeArBoOk VoTe......!

    Today we voted for Yerabook nominations and guess what I got nominated for 2 "Most Likely to Succeed" and "Most Outgoing". I am so excited because I want to win so badly. Some of the computers are not working on the survey but some are, I hope I at least win one but who knowsss!. Annyways my point is PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! VOOOOOOOOOOOOTE FOOOOOOR MEEEEEEEEE....! ILLLL BE REALLY NICE IF U DO VOTE FOR ME...! PLEASEEE.!

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    My Paper Prototype!

    The name of our Game is called Eat Turtle Eat!. What our game is trying to teach people is to stop water pollution and help out. In this game the player will be a turtle trying to consume food. Since water pollution causes a lot of trash in the ocean, wich includes paper,plastic, and cans. The plstic bags cause the turtle to think that it is their normally food(Jellyfish) and that affects the turtle. In the game the turtle will try to catch all the jellyfish in time without getting hit by the plastic bags. I think that this game really shows adults and kids how we can all make a difference by changing our habits of pollution and start helping out. I hope you enjoyed watching our preview game, although it's not going to look like this it's going to be the best game you''ll ever see.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    mAlCoM X!!!

    Yesterday we finished watching Malcom X. At the end of the movie it all starts when malcom gets out of jail and finds out his real religion. After he gets out he becomes a leader of the Muslim group. The muslim is a religion that malcom never knew he was part of so he decides to take responsibility for all the brothers that are in the group. There not really brothers but that's how they call each other as part of the religion. Later on he finds out that brother Johnson was attacked by police men and brought into jail. Malcom was not pleased by this and heads to the police headquarters and asks to release brother johnson. Police don't want to but he demands they do. The police had to release himand had no choice. Malcom immediately sends brother Johnson to a hospital because he is severly injured. Later on from all the chaos Malcom finds out that one of his brothers Elijah Muhammad had been getting women younger than him pregnant. Malcom felt dissapointed and betrayed by his own brother. Malcom then decides to take a trip to Egypt to see the muslum religion and pray with them. He goes to Arabian and prays the original way the other muslims do. Malcom realizes that anyone can get along no matter what color they are. He shared food,drinks and talk to any kind of people. When malcom comes back from egypt he starts receiving threats from many people. He even has his house burned down. Malcom then plans to have a meeting of his experience about egypt. But to a tradegy malcom gets killed by the people who were threating him. Even tough malcom died he will still remain in our heart as an Afroamerican

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    ReFlEcTiOn In oUr gAmE...!~

    1. Describe your team's game topic and talk about the most important concept you want your players to learn. What we want our players to learn is to prevent water pollution from happening. Many kids don't know that this can harm humans and animals in different ways. That's why we will show many kids how we can all stop this by them playing our game and learning many new stuff about preventing water pollution.

    2. How did the ideas you discussed in "Imagining Your Game" come together to help your team decide on a game topic? Well... we had many great ideas that we all shared but what we decided to do was get the most main topic important ones and combinje them together as one.

    3. Tell us more about your team by saying who has what role, and how you work together. My team and I are really great friends so we all worked together fine we had no problems and had an awesome game. I would have to say that I was the leader of the group not in a bad way,my teammates didn't really have a problem so we all worked together. 

    4. What kind of research did you do to find information to express the game topic? Examples: books, films, web searches....etc. We got all our research on It is a really interesting website it has many facts that we used and you should use it.

    5. Explain the game play. What does the player have to do? Basicallly the player is a turtle, and what the turtle has to do is that it has to move around the ocean and catch jellyfish and try not to get hit by the plastic flags. This game really will show how we can help out the turtles and that they can do it on their own too.

    6. Has this changed since you first started planning your game? How? We changed a lot of things in our game. We had to focus on one main thing and we decided to change it to water pollution. It was really hard doing it all over again but we got through it.

    ToUgHtS aBoUt gLoBaLoRiA....!

    My toughts about how videogames, technology and computer has changed is a lot of things. I think that we are learning many new helpful stuff that can help us on our future and learning skills. Videogames are being created with many new creative stuff and we learn from that and we can also do it. Computers are definetely changing because they have many new software programs that we can use to study or work and that's very helpful to us. Technology is everywhere we go and will always help us in many fantastic new ways. Technology definetely has changed a lot.

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    gLoBaLoRiA rEfLeCtIoN...!

    One thing I have learned in Globaloria is to be able to work in a team and ineract with others. I think that it is a very valuable lesson because we get to see each others ideas and come together as one.My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is working on our Flash Game. I really like working on it because I get to experience many brand new things and learn about them. It is also really fun because we get to be creative and learn about all the different stuff. I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because it is a really fun big topic that we can learn many new things about. It also can help later on in pursuing my career and helping me out in achieving it. Globaloria is a class that can help anyone and I'm glad that I have it every day.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    gAmE gOaL!!!>

    The topic that me and my team are doing is about Global Warming. What we are basically trying to tell the people who will play our game is that earth right now is really having a rough time with recycling and pollution. We would want to see more cleaning around neighborhood and less pollution everywhere. This topic is really big around the world and that's why we would want to spread out the word to start cleaning and being more helpful to the community and the world. We would really want to accomplish this goal and hope that everyone agrees with it.

    MaD HoT BaLlRoOm!!!!....

    The main message of this movie was that no matter what shape,size or age you are you can still do what you want to do. Like these 5th graders they practiced their butts off and they got to a big goal they weren't expecting. I think that it is really inspiring for other 5th graders who would love to try this out or any other grades that they would like to do this because it gives them motivation to pursue their dream and be proud of what they done. This is what our future holds and I am very proud of this children who accomplished this I hope to see more of this motivational competitions for children later on in the future.

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    VaLeNtInE'S DaNcE!@@~~

    OMG!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for the valentine's dance even tough I hate valentine's day I still like the chocolates!!! I am very very very excited for it because I am going to be able to dance with my friends and party. Also I really like it because I get to miss math and social studies I mean I like the classes but give me a break let me have some fun(NO OFFENSE TEACHERS) you guys still rock. Okay that's problaby all I needed to say........ bye see you on the dance floor and let's party!!!!

    MaD HoT BaLlRoOm!!!

    Mad Hot Ballroom is about 3 groups of 5th grade in different elementary schools in new york competing against each other in dancing. This movie shows how they can practice dancing in over only 8 weeks and pull it off. For kids about 10 years old they are really good and had great motivation throughout the whole 8 weeks. Definetely one team doesn't make it to the semifinals but they still did a greata job. We didn't finish the rest of the movie but I think that all the teams did a really great job. Dancing for them just wasn't an excersice or a fun thing to do it was motivation and inspiring for them because they get to prepare for their future careers and have a wonderful life. I recommend this movie to anyone that likes dancing and who would like to get inspired.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Here is an article about The Oregon Trail Game from Wikipedia.

    Answer the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences:

    1. What did you learn from playing Oregon Trail? I learned many valuable stuuf that I can later use on in life, I learned how to manage my suplies when I go on a trip and I also learned about the obsticles that it takes to get tho your destination.

    2. What did you like most about the game? The thing that I liked most about the game would be how to move and go through all the obstacles.

    3. What did you like the least about the game? What I didn't really like was the sound it was really annoying and it got on my last nerve.

    4. What are some ideas from the game that you could add to your own game? Please think of at least two
    I would problaby add the different locations that it can stop by and check out the place, I also would like to add the supply check because you can see how  you are managing your supplies.

    tHe oReGoN TrAiL!!!!!

    1.Who do you think this game was made for? I think this game was made for people who like to take adventures on trails from one state to another,it gives them skills that they can use in real life.

    2. What does the player see and do? The player tries to keep his family healthy,alive and safe during the whole trail to his/her destination
    3. What are the rules and how do you win? The rules are that you have to add your family to the wagon get enough supplies of what you need and start the trail and complete all the phases, you win this game by getting to your destination safely.

    4. What is the goal of the game? I think that the goal of the game is to try to get to your destination by completing all of your obstacles that lead you to your destination.

    5. What will the player learn by playing this game? They will learn many adventorous skills to do this adventure later on in life.

    6. What makes this game fun for the player? I think the little characters it has and how it moves and all the cool stuff it gets to do.

    7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game? There's not a lot of animations but it does have the little wagon,the character,and the towns that it can visit.

    8. What kind of sounds are in the game? There is this little sound that kind of sounds like mario and it's really cool.

    9. What makes your game special and unique? I think that what makes our game special and unique is the creativity we put in,the hardwork that pays off and most importantly the problem that we are trying to show to make it stop.

    10. Why will it sell? I don't think it will sell with many people, but maybe the people that like to take adventures will like to buy it.