Friday, December 10, 2010

WHaT HaVe i lEaRNEd!!!!!!>>>>

I think that there are many amazing things that I learned this year but there was a special one that I really enjoyed doing. That would have to be making a Flash Movie. I didn't start making the movie but I enjoyed  doing the steps. I learned how to put backround color,change fonts,size,and many other cools different stuff. I have made a choice on doing a minigame with my teammates and I hope that it will come out really great. I am really proud of having this opportunity to show my knowledge and skill and I am so proud of myself.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

tHe lOtTeRy!!!!!.....

I tought that this movie was really interesting because it shows how many public schools are struggling to keep open and how many people even want Charter Schools to be closed. The main thing about the movie was that over 3,000 kids applied to Harlem Success School and they did this thing that's called lottery. What it basically does is that they draw names from over 3,000 kids and only 400 got chosen. Some of the kids that got interviewed got chosen but for the others it was sad because they didn't get chosen. I learned that many schools need to get their grades up so their school won't get closed down. I am very lucky to be in a Charter School that accepted me and I get the chance to show them what I am capable of doing.

Friday, December 3, 2010

ThE DaNcE!!!!!!

Guess what again...... drumroll please..... it's the dance!!!!!!. Today it's the 2nd dance of this semester and I am so excited. I brought all of my pretty clothes and I can't wait to dance with all my beztiez. Last time something bad happen, my legs were in pain because all of my dancing but it was funny at the same time. Well either ways I just can't wait to dance!!!!! See you at the dance floor.

TTFN!!!!! nAmE oF mY BoOk!!!!!

Well let's see guess what.... I've finished the book, and I'm glad I did because I had been dying to finish it. I was kind of shocked of the things that happened. First Angela ran away from her home in California and took a bus all the way to Atlanta I was shocked becasue I didn't believe she would do it. Zoe and her boyfriend(Doug,Angela's-ex) both got caught naked and zoe's mom saw both of them. Finally maddie got arrested for consuming and buying Pot(kind of drug) and her mom got really mad, her friends couldn't even believe her. Anyways what I really like about this book is that I can relate to it in different ways. I always like to stay connected with my bezties and it's like in the book one is far away and the others are in another state and here i have many classes without them and they have classes with each other but it's realy weird. I know that I will never let my friends down for anything, they are like sisters to me and I love them. This goes to Lonniesha,Raquel,Norma,Alejandra,Grecia and Joscelyn!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NeW ScHeDuLe........!!:(:(:(:(:(:(

Well let's see....... I do not like my new schedule at all!!!!!!. I don't get to see all of my friends and I miss all of them. There is one special person I miss soooooooooooo much that's lonniesha. I don't have any classes with her and that sucks she always use to make me laugh in class but now no more and that hurts me. I get to see her only in passing periods and when I get out of lunch and I always give her a big hug. I also miss my other super bezties Raquel,Alejandra,Norma,Karla,Grecia,Joscleyn,Natalie,Sujeidy,and Monica. Well I have no other choice but to deal with this schedule but I hope Ms.Rocha changes the schedule once. That's problaby it and I want to tell all of my bezties that I named that I miss them sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and they will always be my bezties 4evaaaaa!!!!.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ImAgInG mY gAmE qUeStIoNs.........!!!!! points

My Topic is: Child Abuse
  • What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?
    • Genre 1: Racing
    • Genre 2: Strategy
  • Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.
My game idea is: to first design a little car that's called "Child to the Rescue". That car will be the player that needs to locate a house that has a child who is in danger. He will have to go to the house and along the way he will have many challenges that he can do if he wants to. The challenges will be based on social topic issues,ELA,Math,Reading,Music,Games,Famous Legends and Famous people from now,and many other ones, also one last thing it will be multiple choice. If he does save the child he gets 500 points and the money that he earns along the way of the challenges that he gets right, but remember that the challenges are 800 points each. To win this game he/she at the end of the game have to have at least 32,900 points to win.

Monday, November 29, 2010

FaV GenrE!!!!!!

My favorite genre has to be racing because it can teach me many new stuff. It will teach me how to drive and what are the skills that you have to have to drive. It is really important to know how to drive because if you don't you might have an accident.

Friday, November 19, 2010

TtYl!!!!!! (NaMe oF My bOoK).......

I am reading a book that is called TTFN. It sounds kind of weird but it means Ta         
I chose to read this book because it looked interesting and it kind of related to me because I'm always there for my friends and i never let them down. They do the same for me. Right now in the book one of the characters Angela has some serious problems, her dad got fired so now she has to move to California and that really upset her best friends Zoe and Maddie. Zoe is going through some changes of being a shy girl now she got a job at a place called "Kidding Around" where she meets  this guy called Doug. Doug is a boy that Angela used to like and Zoe thinks she likes him. For Maddie nothing bad or maybe just that she met a boy and she wants to try him out because she barely broke up with her long-time boyfriend but she's still thinking if she wants to take it too far. You should read it it;s really good and easy yo do.

Friday, November 12, 2010

In tHe aRmS Of sTrAnGeRsS mOvIe!!!!!!!>><<<

This movie is about families who had to give their kids away because of the holocaust. It interviews many children who went to the concentration camps but survived. There is one kid who interested me wich was Kurt Fuchel. While kurt was going to school one day he noticed a sign that said "If you are jewish or partly jewish you need to report immediately to the headmaster" kurt didn't like this idea but he had to follow it there was no option. Another kid who also was a survivor Robert Sugar was devastated when his family told him that he had to go away somewhere else. Also on October 1st 1938 nazis took many jewish people to kill them. They even burned many jewish synagogues. This is an amazing movie!!!!!. After that a lot of jewish children were sent to england. They went there to be safe and to not get killed. Every single day the trains would load over 300 kids of the trains. Those kids would stay at a place that was kind of like an orphanage but I don't know. Then many england people came and try to see if they wanted to get any of these children to take home. They mostly chose blonde little girls and boys. It was difficult to pick the kids who weree older than 16.Many kids wanted their parents to come to england to find a job. They did everything they could to get them to england. Later on as everything went okay I think germany started a war against britian that's when everything started getting real temper. Many kids and parents were worried about what would happen. The war ended soon. After that everything went down again the news broke that many germany parents were getting deported to many concentration camps. The kids lost communication with their parents. It was really sad at the end but I'm still not done with the movie I'll come back and talk more about it. Can't wait to find out what happens next!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MiNi gaMe pPrOjEcT!!!!!!

We are almost done with the Mini Game project and I'm kind of excited but don't really know why!!!. I Think It's because I want to start on my own game. My favorite part of this Mini Game project would be making the little objects move around . The least would be going through all the instructions all the time. I would like to learn how to make sounds,design and many other cool stuff there is. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

mOnDaY: I got some more research on child abuse.tUeSdAy: I practically have all my information but I still need some more good points. What has been hard has been trying to find more information about child abuse because in some websites it doesn't really talk about it. I have learned a lot about my topic but I look forward to find and explore new things about it. wEdNeSdAy:The mini game has been turning out good and we are almost done with the tutorial. I just can't wait to start on my own game and start adding my own decorations and try to understand some of the stuff that's on there. I also don't really understand flash but I'll work on it. tHuRsDaY: Today we are going to continue on our tutorial so we can start heading to the real game and start making it by ourselves. I think that we are still trying to figure it out but we will get it because it's really hard working with flash. FrIdAy: The flash minigame is actually starting to get action and I've learned how to move it with another figure at the same time.I also have learned how to do it by myself and we are alomost done with the tutorial. I can't wait until we are done with the tutorial so we can start with our own game and learned how to do It by ourselves. I also learned how to do the embed code and paste it on the flash. Flash sometimes can be really hard but as you start using it it gets easier. I think that most of us can get confused by it. I have used flash before and i don't know but it is kind of hard even tough I have used it before. I think that were on step 4 on the minigame. I had problems with it last time because the figures wouldn't move and I got frustrated. I think later on i am going to love how to use flash and work on it every day. This is my post for the week enjoy.!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This week's post!!!!!! 11/2/10-11/5/10

mOnDaY: I got some more research on child abuseAy:Ipracticallyhave all my information but I still need some more good points. What has been hard has been trying to find more information about child abuse because in some websites it doesn't really talk about it. I have learned a lot about my topic but I look forward to find and explore new things about it. wEdNeSdAy:The mini game has been turning out good and we are almost done with the tutorial. I just can't wait to start on my own game and start adding my own decorations and try to understand some of the stuff that's on there. I also don't really understand flash but I'll work on it. tHuRsDaY: Today we are going to continue on our tutorial so we can start heading to the real game and start making it by ourselves. I think that we are still trying to figure it out but we will get it because it's really hard working with flash. FrIdAy: The flash minigame is actually starting to get action and I've learned how to move it with another figure at the same time.I also have learned how to do it by myself and we are alomost done with the tutorial. I can't wait until we are done with the tutorial so we can start with our own game and learned how to do ot byourselves.

Friday, October 29, 2010

HaLlOwEen!!!!!!!!...... tRiCk oR TrEaT<>>>>>...... BOO!!!!!!

This sunday guess what I'M GOING TRICK OR TREATING!!!!!!!!! I am really excited because it's halloween the moment i had been waiting all year and it's finally here. I am not dressing up as anybody i'm just going with a halloween shirt and some shorts. I don't really like putting on a costume so i just take normal clothes. The thing I really want and can't wait to have is the candy. Well that's it for today HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!>>>>><<<<<>.........!!!!!!!!!!

ChIlD AbUsE>>>>????>>

I am going to talk about my social issue topic wich is child abuse.Child Abuse is when parents abuse of their children sometimes for no reason. I found out that at least four children die from neglect or abuse every day, and one in six boys and one in four girls will have been sexually abused before the age of 18. There are four different types of child abuse,neglect, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and child sexual abuse. Some signs of child abuse are subtler than others. However, by learning common types of abuse and what you can do, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life. This is my Social Issue!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

BlOg FoR ThE wEeK!!!!! 10/25/10-10/29/10

What I like about this movie that it inspires you to learn more about it and try to know how did those people feel when they were in the holocaust. This movie was really interesting and i hope to learn more about it. I wish we had a project like this in our school. Also it taught us to see the change that we want to be in the world. These people were  murdered for no reason and that was not okay. These people were innocent it wasn't their fault. If i had the power to save all those 6 million people i would give it all my power to do it.Here is one of many pages you can go to to learn more about this Paper Clip Project.You will find many interesting information. I also have learned how to research more information about my video game and how to do it. I want to do one of the best video games to win the competition. I hope to learn how to use flash and work on special effects screening and more designing. I really want to win thsi but we will see how it goes on in the future and they don't announce until March 2011. This week I also did some research about smoking. drug addictions,smoking and obesity on brain pop. What I did watched some videos about our social issues and took notes on it while it was playing.I found some really interesting topics and really got into them.These topics are a really big deal here in america and many other different countries.I hope to laern many more facts about it and try to solve it here in my school.I really liked brain pop tought it was really cool. Maybe I'll do some later. Well this was my post for the week. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

cOmMuNicAtIoN rocks>>>>?!>?! L.O.L

The internet is not really all about communication. Well some part it is but why is it important?????. The internet can be used through many different ways. Like for exampple, live via chat web can work by you talking to the person through a camera that is put into your computer, another one is the thing we call E-mail you can write letters through a person but you do it through typing the E-mail. I think that the communication in the internet is really important because if any realive of family or friend in the navy,marines,army you can talk to them through any of these ways. The most important one is got to be  Via Chat Web because you can see the person you have been dying to see and you get to talk to them in person through the camera. This was my opinion but communication is the most important thing in family be cause you get communication from the ones you love.!!!!!.<>,><>/

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

MakE ThE WoRLd a beTteR pLaCe!!!

I know that food has impacted our world in a lot of different ways. I think that if we all come together we can make a difference and help out those people. My MAIN IDEA was to organize clubs all around the world to get people to eat healthy. In those clubs we could talk about kids that have died because of eating disorders and obesity,are addicted to food, and we could even make different diets for the people who want to do it and join it. I wish that our schoool had that so everybody can come that are from our community and also parents and siblings. I would like to say that I think we can make it for those who are out there and struggling with these problems we are the world and we will make a difference!!!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

ThE DANcE!!!!>?<>

OMG!!!>!>!< I can't believe it's actually here... u don't know..... well guess what,It's the dance. I had been waiting for this moment since school started and now it's here. I love to dance but i don't show it that much. I can't wait to put my pretty clothes on and makeup. It's going to be a night to rememeber. See u at the dance floor!!!!!!!!!!.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ChIlD AbUsE>>>>>.......!!

  The topic I chose was child abuse. I chose this topic because it is really important to me to see what children go through out there. I kind of relate to child abuse because sometimes I see my uncles hit my cuzins but for a good reason. This is what the kids do they get in trouble so they cause their parents to hit them. I really hope to try to find out more about child abuse and try to understand what the kids feel. PLZ parents stop abusing of your child for no reason!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blue Gold!!!!!!?>?>?>?

I think that the movie was really interesting to watch because it teaches you a lot to learn. It talks about water and how important it is. I learned that many countries don't have clean water. Some of them don't even have water at all. Some dams don't clean the water exactly how it's supposed to be and it gets contaminated. A lot of people die from it and it's really sad. I think that we should help out to recycle our water. Like for example we could turn off the water when were not using it, don't use that much water when your showering, and if you serve a glass of water full and your not going to drink it then why did you serve up the whole glass. Those are some of the things we can do to help out recycle water. DO IT GUYS HELP OUT!!!!!!! :D

Monday, October 11, 2010

GetTInG GoOd gRaDeS!!!!>>>>

I think that my biggest challenge would be accomplishing my grades and passing every single one of them. In many classes I was shy but it looks like not no more. In spanish I was really nervous because we had this project that had to do with our family tradition. Until I heard that we had to present it in front of everybody. I overcame the fear of being shy and embarrassed. I had confidence and faith in myself, so it helped me overcome the fear of being shy. I think if you had these same problems as i did, I think that you should do what I did, have faith and confidence in yourself and you will overcome the fear that you have. Nothing can stop you from doing it and achieving it.!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Science Bone Game!!!!<><>

I really liked this game because it teaches you to learn the bones. It was really interesting and i really liked it .It was organized and told you exactly what to do. I recommend u to play this game it's a lot of fun!!!!!!?><>?<

tHiS WeEkEnD!!!>>>CaN't WaIT!!!!!

This weekend it's going to be so exciting because I am going to go get my clothes for the dance!!!!!!. I had been waiting for this moment since the beginning of school. I will probably go to Melrose,Ross,or Fashion Outlet. I want to get some skinny jeans and a cute top with accessories and cute flats, but I also wanted to wear a dress but I still don't know what to wear. Also I am going to watch UT<<<<Fav college>>>> play but i don't know who their against. Well that's my weekend hope u enjoy urs !!!! <<<< aLsO lEaVe a VoTe oF WhAt dO YoU ThInK I ShOuLd I WeAr a dReSs Or sOmE sKiNny jEanS WiTh A cUtE top aNd FlAtS pLz VoTe!!!!>>>>

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Flex your power challenge>>>!!!

I really liked this game because it teaches you a lot of good stuff. I think it has a strategy genre, because it teaches you about conserving energy and how to help out the world. It's like jeopardy it asks you random questions and you have to answer.If u get them right u get more points.I really liked it because it's teaching me and having fun at the same time.
One of my favorite songs!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wich one inspired me......?

I think that the one that inspired me the most would be Food inc. I think it would be the best because my family struggles with the same problems that the family that was shown struggle with. It really meant a lot to me because I feel sad when we go to the store because we struggle with the money. Sometimes my mom doesn't have that much money and we barely afford to buy some. Right now we don't struggle with that, that much because my mom has food stamps or lone star whichever. I felt really happy that we got food stamps so now we don't have to have a lot of problems with that because it's all thanks to the Lone star card. Hope some of y'all realize how hard it is to struggle with money and have the same problems.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dirt Movie!!!

 I tought that the movie was really great whoever did it. It was teaching us how to take care of dirt, what can you do with it and how important it is to take care of it. It basically showed people having relationships with the dirt, it was really weird!!!!. It was telling you to take care of dirt because that's what we stand on. I would probably say that the movie that i most liked was Food.Inc because it was more interesting and a little bit less awkward than the dirt movie. Also it taught us a little bit more but both of them were amazing movies that taught you something.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What am I doing????

 Today I'm happy can't wait to go to P.E.!!!!!!! aLso I heEard jerry got the OJOOO!!! AND IT'S contagious!!.  Lonniesha is making me laugh right now. I'm also listening to some music on my blogger. HoPe everyBoDy hAs A rEalLy fRiDay!!! (CoME TO THe service learning FiEld TrIp IT'S aLot Of FUN!!!) sEe YaLl tHeRe!@@@!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thoughts about the movie.......!!!!!!

I rememebered that it is really important to not eat too much chicken because some chicken is infected and a lot of people get killed by the virus that is going on. I tought that it was really sad when they were killing the chickens because it's really not fair to see that. I also saw that a lot of people don't have a lot of money to buy food, the money they spend on 5 cheeseburgers it's the same amount as buying broccoli for 3 days.I think this movie inspired me and the wholewideworld maybe i don't know but it inspired us to not eat a lot of meat and chicken. At least one day of the week don't eat chicken or meat. For more information you can go to and learn more about what's going on.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Something that I learned and accomplished this year?????

Something that I accomplished was getting my fear over talking in front of everybody. I really am a shy girl but people don't really see it. It was in spanish that i lost my fear, because we had to present a essay about a tradition and when i was up there I was turning really red like a red tomato and that really was embarrassing. As the days went on in E.L.A I had a big presentation but as i got up there i wasn't embarrassed no more.That was one of the hardest things I accomplished but it was worth it!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

This video reminds me of my grandama it is an amzing song!!!

Happy Friday!!@!@#@@#

First of all i would like to say HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!! well i have no idea what to write about so i'm just gonna say what im doing this weekend. I think that im going to go to a friends party or something. I think that my mom is taking us to austin park and pizza but i still don't know yet but im hoping to go!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thoughts of Social Issues

My toughts on social issues have been that it is really important to help out the world and try to save the world.What i have learned is that a lot of people buy or get stuff I also found out that that stuff that people have you really keep it for 6 months then you throw it away and and its reproduce and squished. So that states the fact that we need to stop getting a lot of stuff and start saving. I hope you people respond to this because this is really important right now you don't care but when you get older you will face the consequences.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Least Effective Learnig Game

The game that taught me the less would have to be Drift Runners.I tought that this game didn't really teach you anything because because it was basically just race cars racing. Like i said you don't learn much. I think that the genre is not to learn something, because it is adventure and action we don't do that at school. About the clear vision this was the only game that had the best vision of it. It actually did tell you how to do it and i would change the streets in the game because they were a little crooked.What I would like to add a little bit more would be more speed and a little bit of design and music so whoever is playing could get excited.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Most Effective Learning Game

The game that taught me the most was WV animal rescue squad.The social issue that it teaches me is that you can actually become a veterinarian and help the animals out there.What you can learn from this game is that you can become a good veterinarian and have a good career.This is a good choice for genre adventure it basically is adventure but it teaches you a lot of skills.I tought that the game screen was clear but i would of add a little bit more color.I really liked that the instructions were clear because it told you one step at a time.I would improved this by adding pictures,music,and more animals to play with.Last but not least i would want to learn more about the technical stuff and designing.

Social Issue

Something that affects people is living in the streets as homeless people.I personally think that it affects a lot of people because they don't have a home and don't have any money to survive.Also it affects them by losing touch with their family, when they have no idea where they are.It is important to help these people because if it were to be you, think about how you would be treated and the things that you would be going through.My opinion is that maybe some people deserve to be there because some of them have papers you know what i mean? Illegal papers and those people just don't want to step up and get a job or try to find contact with their family.On the other side there are some people who don't have papers but sad because they can't do nothing about it.Well that's one of the social issues that some people have effects on.

Friday, September 17, 2010

I posted this video because it is a really cool thing to do its amazing check it out!!!


I don't think i'm doing anything this week.I'm basically just going to stay home maybe go to the park, play or just watch tv Ireally don't do much on the weekends but matbe a party may come up or a family reunion just to eat dinner!!!! Have a good weekend guys!@!@@

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adventure Games

One of my favorite genres is adventure games, it's my favorite because it makes me think like I am in an adventure. I really like it because it feels like i am the person moving in that game and playing it. Also i like it because you  get to move the keyboards in the keyboard and it's really fun to do that and i like the creative image that it has and how it is decorated. That's my favorite genre!!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

You have played many video and computer games throughout your life. What are some of your favorites? What do they have in common?

Some of the games i have played are really COOL!!!! they are crazy taxi and mario games mostly well..... there not really cool but their my favorite games and they are very different from each other crazy taxi is the best because you just have to press the space bar to jump and in mario you use the arrow signs and the space bar, there you have them my favorite games hope you like them they are really fun to play if you evr find them!!! BYE!!!@!@!

Favorite Game

You have played many video and computer games throughout your life. What are some of your favorites? What do they have in common?

Some of the games i have played are really COOL!!!! they are crazy taxi and Mario games mostly well..... there not really cool but their my favorite games and they are very different from each other crazy taxi is the best because you just have to press the space bar to jump and in Mario you use the arrow signs and the space bar, there you have them my favorite games hope you like them they are really fun to play if you ever find them!!! BYE!!!@!@! 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Something Important to me

Let me see, OH yeah what's important to me it's going to college, beacause if i don't go to college i will regret it for the rest of my life.Also i wanna got to college because i want to have a better education for me and i want to help out my family.Another reason it's important because maybe if i get a job and they need a resume I won't hav eone because I didn't go to college.That's basically what's important to me. (P.S. My mommy is important tooo)!!! :D

An Inconvenient Truth

Hmmm...... What did I thought about the movie! I thought that it was really cool that in the movie they were showing us about economy and everything that happened .Also it was showing us about the Fake president well not fake but he did do a thing that was not right and for some people that was not cool , I thought that if it was me i wold be really ashamed of what i did.It really touched me when they were telling us about the hurricane Katrina because for some people it must of really hurt to lose their homes,jobs,clothes and every memory they had . Well I think that I'm done here that was my tought of the movie. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Week

My First Week at school was fun,creative and i got to do a bunch of school stuff.I met a lot of good friiends especially Lonniesha i liked her because she's cool and fun to hang out.Some of the other kids i met were nice and friendly. I really like this school because it's COOL!!!! and it's going to help me to go to college and get a bettter life!!!!!!!!!