I think this movie is really great inspiration to other people and children. It teaches about a young girl who survived in a house attic over many months but then got killed. Anne Frank was a young girl who just wanted to be free. It wasn't her fault to be killed. It also teaches about the holocaust wich was one of the camps she was in where you get killed for no reason. I think a lot of people got touched by this movie and it's a great motivation to many people and children. The movie has many questions to talk about. I wonder how did they kill her?, How did the father died?, When did this holocaust thing end?. I found a really great site where it tells you all about what happened to anne frank http://www.annefrank.com/. I checked this website out and it has a lot of good information. I learned many things about her just like one of my favorite quotes she wrote '' Anyhow, I've learned one thing now. You only really get to know people when you've had a jolly good row with them. Then and then only can you judge their true characters!". I love that quote. Anne Frank was one of the many wonderful people she will be rememebered!!!! MISS YOU..