Friday, October 8, 2010

tHiS WeEkEnD!!!>>>CaN't WaIT!!!!!

This weekend it's going to be so exciting because I am going to go get my clothes for the dance!!!!!!. I had been waiting for this moment since the beginning of school. I will probably go to Melrose,Ross,or Fashion Outlet. I want to get some skinny jeans and a cute top with accessories and cute flats, but I also wanted to wear a dress but I still don't know what to wear. Also I am going to watch UT<<<<Fav college>>>> play but i don't know who their against. Well that's my weekend hope u enjoy urs !!!! <<<< aLsO lEaVe a VoTe oF WhAt dO YoU ThInK I ShOuLd I WeAr a dReSs Or sOmE sKiNny jEanS WiTh A cUtE top aNd FlAtS pLz VoTe!!!!>>>>


  1. I thinka dress and skinnys anyways have a great weekend and LOVE ALWAYS AND HAV A great one ok.
