What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review ?
I learned many valuable stuff to help me in my creation of my game, like for example I learned the different genres I can use for my game, the social issues I can teach with any genre, and the way I can send messages through my game to get to other people.
Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved ?
I really liked the way that Sally's Energy Ride game was played out, the game consisted of facts being taught to the player as it played the game. I thought that, that was a great Idea of the game creator to do that because it teaches the players about the social issue and they can have fun at the same time playing the game.
I wonder if a game can have more than one genre and have different social issues being taught at the same time . >??????
I learned many valuable stuff to help me in my creation of my game, like for example I learned the different genres I can use for my game, the social issues I can teach with any genre, and the way I can send messages through my game to get to other people.
Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved ?
I really liked the way that Sally's Energy Ride game was played out, the game consisted of facts being taught to the player as it played the game. I thought that, that was a great Idea of the game creator to do that because it teaches the players about the social issue and they can have fun at the same time playing the game.
I wonder if a game can have more than one genre and have different social issues being taught at the same time . >??????