Friday, December 10, 2010
WHaT HaVe i lEaRNEd!!!!!!>>>>
I think that there are many amazing things that I learned this year but there was a special one that I really enjoyed doing. That would have to be making a Flash Movie. I didn't start making the movie but I enjoyed doing the steps. I learned how to put backround color,change fonts,size,and many other cools different stuff. I have made a choice on doing a minigame with my teammates and I hope that it will come out really great. I am really proud of having this opportunity to show my knowledge and skill and I am so proud of myself.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
tHe lOtTeRy!!!!!.....
I tought that this movie was really interesting because it shows how many public schools are struggling to keep open and how many people even want Charter Schools to be closed. The main thing about the movie was that over 3,000 kids applied to Harlem Success School and they did this thing that's called lottery. What it basically does is that they draw names from over 3,000 kids and only 400 got chosen. Some of the kids that got interviewed got chosen but for the others it was sad because they didn't get chosen. I learned that many schools need to get their grades up so their school won't get closed down. I am very lucky to be in a Charter School that accepted me and I get the chance to show them what I am capable of doing.
Friday, December 3, 2010
ThE DaNcE!!!!!!
Guess what again...... drumroll please..... it's the dance!!!!!!. Today it's the 2nd dance of this semester and I am so excited. I brought all of my pretty clothes and I can't wait to dance with all my beztiez. Last time something bad happen, my legs were in pain because all of my dancing but it was funny at the same time. Well either ways I just can't wait to dance!!!!! See you at the dance floor.
TTFN!!!!! nAmE oF mY BoOk!!!!!
Well let's see guess what.... I've finished the book, and I'm glad I did because I had been dying to finish it. I was kind of shocked of the things that happened. First Angela ran away from her home in California and took a bus all the way to Atlanta I was shocked becasue I didn't believe she would do it. Zoe and her boyfriend(Doug,Angela's-ex) both got caught naked and zoe's mom saw both of them. Finally maddie got arrested for consuming and buying Pot(kind of drug) and her mom got really mad, her friends couldn't even believe her. Anyways what I really like about this book is that I can relate to it in different ways. I always like to stay connected with my bezties and it's like in the book one is far away and the others are in another state and here i have many classes without them and they have classes with each other but it's realy weird. I know that I will never let my friends down for anything, they are like sisters to me and I love them. This goes to Lonniesha,Raquel,Norma,Alejandra,Grecia and Joscelyn!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
NeW ScHeDuLe........!!:(:(:(:(:(:(
Well let's see....... I do not like my new schedule at all!!!!!!. I don't get to see all of my friends and I miss all of them. There is one special person I miss soooooooooooo much that's lonniesha. I don't have any classes with her and that sucks she always use to make me laugh in class but now no more and that hurts me. I get to see her only in passing periods and when I get out of lunch and I always give her a big hug. I also miss my other super bezties Raquel,Alejandra,Norma,Karla,Grecia,Joscleyn,Natalie,Sujeidy,and Monica. Well I have no other choice but to deal with this schedule but I hope Ms.Rocha changes the schedule once. That's problaby it and I want to tell all of my bezties that I named that I miss them sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and they will always be my bezties 4evaaaaa!!!!.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
ImAgInG mY gAmE qUeStIoNs.........!!!!! points
My Topic is: Child Abuse
- What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?
- Genre 1: Racing
- Genre 2: Strategy
- Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.
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