We watched the movie Apollo 13, I tought it was going to be a boring movie but It turned out to be one of the best movies I've ever watched..(I mean it). This movie was about 3 men Jim Lovell, Ken Mattingly, and Fred Haise who got chosen to go the moon. First they had to be trained for 6 months to be able to be ready. They were really excited and looked very prepared to go. That's when Ken got the measles and had to be removed from the crew. Ken wasn't so thrilled when he first got told that he couldn't go. After that they had his backup John.L.Swigert. He quickly catched up and was ready to go. Finally the BIG day came April,11,1970 was the day ready to launch off. They all got suited in with those giant suits and buckled in, then it was the moment the whole world was watching....BOOM!--they launched off. As they were up in space everything was going smooth until something exploded in the command module. They needed to move to the lem because they were running out of oxygen and power. Unfortunately they didn't make it to the moon and had to come back. NASA was counting 3:00 minutes for them to come back but they didn't make it on that time, as everyone was watching they were getting worried that they wouldn't make it. Guess what..?--they died!:(. Just kidding...that's what I tought when I was watching the movie. They made it back safely and even tough they didn't make it to the moon---they said it was A Successful Failure. I agreed with that they had the courage and braveness to go up there and they completed their mission. Unlike me I would be freaking scared to go up into space....!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I don't know what field trip to write about...??...Let's see...I've had many but they were all educational field trips. Like going to the museum and some other stuff that I don't remember..!! In this school we took some but the one that I liked the most would have to be Austin Park and Pizza! It was like so Awesomee..! I got on the tea cups and they were so Dizzzzzzzzzyyy..! I love those rides...and I also got on the Go-Karts and I mean the big Go-Karts! I finally got to go on those...it was like my first time and I beat everyone that was racing. I sure definetely ate a lot of pizzaaa....wich I love..! It was such an awesome field trip altough I had a lot of coupons wich I forgot to trade them in for a prize...I forgot where I left them..?? Well I don't care it was like 3 months ago when I went. Anyways I had a really good time and that's all that mattteers.!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Don't Knoww Waat To Writee Abouut..???---And I Thiink I Lovee To Gossiip.??:))
Heyyy.! I have no Idea what to write about..?? Let's see..I'm sitting down writing about I don't know what to write about. It may sound confusing but I understand it. Lunch was pretty cool, they had Chickeen Nuggetss!! wich I lovee.! I ate victor's chicken nugget...it may have been bitten but I still ate it..It was amaziing. In lunch I always gossip, I don't know why but I just love gossiping and pretty much everyone knows me by that. I somehow end up gossiping in every single class...am I weird..? I don't think so...I'm awesome like that.! Now I don't have anything else to talk about..! What could I talk about.? Gueess What...? I got to go!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Yayy! Our game is finally finished. Thank god because we had a rough path to putting it together. I think it was a great experience working with my team. We all worked hard,we chipped in on this and that and we made it work. We had some hard times making it work but we all got through it. I didn't know we were one of the 4 finalists and I am so proud of that. I can't believe we were actually nominated, my team and I are schocked. We tought we were just nominated, but finalists I can't believe it. We worked so hard and I think we did deserved this. I hope we win and wish me luck everyone.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Osama Biin Ladeen..!
Yesterday I was at home doing what I normally do, wich is watch TV when I saw these breaking news on many channels. I didn't really pay attention to it, but since it was like on every single channel I decided to check it out. When I turned to one of the channels I saw that it said on the bottom of the screen "Osama Bin Laden has been killed and U.S. Officials have his body". I really had no idea who they were talking about so I asked my mom. She told me that it was the guy who organized the whole terorrist attack on the World Trade Center. I was freaking shocked, the guy that killed all those people is now dead. I was a little bit excited because he made all the victim's family suffer each and every single day and know we got payback. Finally we don't have to be afraid of being killed or attacked. I was very HAPPY!! and I still am!!. Now he may rest in peace in his dreadful cold coffin.! or I think they should cut him up into little pieces and burn him..!
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